Sunday, September 12

9/11 Reflections

Yesterday was the 9th Anniversary of 9/11... a day in history no one will ever forget. This morning in church we took a moment to reflect on that day and remember those who lost their lives. I know there have been some great documentaries on TV this past week with new photos and interviews... I want to watch, but yet I don't. It stirs up in each of us emotions we often keep buried... sadness, anger, hurt, confusion, fear, doubt... the list goes on... and yet life goes on. Hopefully we've learned to love deeper and appreciate life more and be grateful for every moment, every breath, and every one around us.

Time is a measure of change.. sometimes we fight it.. sometimes we welcome it. Unfortunately most of us judge our lives by our failures rather than our success. We want to go back and change everything.. or do we? It's human nature to be negative. But it's not God's nature. In Psalms 139:14 he reminds us that we are AWESOME! That he created us exactly the way he wanted..... because I am fearfully and wonderfully made...  all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be... that's amazing to think about. I'm not in charge of my schedule or my calendar or my agenda... God is. He already knows exactly what's going to happen.. not just in general.. but what's going to happen to me every minute of every day..... the good the bad the ugly.. and he gives me the choice to choose.

Yesterday in my Blog I mentioned the three things we all need in life.
Do you remember them?

Someone to Love.
Some one to be Loved by and
Something to look forward to.

TRUST GOD.. he's the answer to all three.

He's holding us in the palm of his hands.
I choose God.

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