Friday, October 15

One Year Ago - Cabin Fever? or Morning Sickness?

Jerry's been up at the Cabin a couple times these past few weeks.. still working on our fixer-upper.... But even thought it's not complete, we already have some great memories..... Rmember it's Friday... so my dedicated day to Jerry.... remember this day hun? I know we'll never forget it!

It was one year ago .... we were up at the Cabin last October.... and had invited  David and Holly to come join us along with Holly's folks, Don and Darleen. None had seen our little cabin in the clouds yet so even though we had barely started to work on it... they all agreed to come up one day and help us get started...

I guess the mountain driving made Holly a bit nauseous as when she got there she had to sit a spell before she could jump in... I didn't think anything of it.

But Don immediately started helping Jerry paint one of the bedrooms, then Darleen and Holly helped me cut shelf paper for the kitchen drawers....

We stopped to have a quick lunch... can't even remember what now.. probably sandwiches or munchies of some sort... and I wanted to have a little "toast" before we ate .. but the tables quickly turned on us....

Instead the kids handed each of us four a gift... called it a "housewarming" gift for the cabin... puzzled we just played along... figured it was some nice little dish towels or cute little plaque for the wall....

I was totally clueless... blindsided, aghast with surprise and amazed... as when I opened my gift it was a sweatshirt that read "What Happens at Grandma's Stays at Grandma's"... Darleen received the same... and Jerry got his "Grandpa To Be" sweatshirt and Don his "Grandpa Golfer" shirt...

I went berserk.... honestly, I had no clue... never in a million years would I have guessed that was coming... call me clueless or faithless.. doesn't really matter... but it was one of the happiest days in my life.... (yes just one cuz there have been several wonderful occasions before and after!)....

So it was definitely a Kodak moment... here's the stunned grandparents to be:

Ya'd think we were a bunch of teenage kids.... smoochin and celebrating!

There was only one problem... we were vowed to secrecy until they
made the announcement on Thanksgiving Day.. to the entire family...
so it truly was a day we all were so Thankful.
God is Good.

I can't wait to tell Brayden this story one day.

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