Thursday, February 24

Please pass the milk (bottle)

First of all I should thank all of you for being so patient and putting up with me.... but there's no way this week I could just not share all the fun times we had with Brayden over the weekend...

Here's the baby food episode.... I was convinced I could get Brayden to eat some cereal or fruit. He still mostly has his formula bottles and for the bottle before bed they'll add some rice cereal to it to make it a littler heartier to get him through the night.

So I proceed to instead "make" the rice cereal and try to feed it to him, ya know like a real person eats... wrong. I even added his pears to it that he does like to have on occasion... still didn't work. I'm sure with time he develop his taste pallet as well as his texture pallet as I'm sure that's a lot of it... the texture of the food is just not natural when all you've had is liquid....

Regardless.. he "looks" darling in his bib and high chair... and loves to sit and play in it... so we're half way there at least....

So after "lunch" he was back in his walker...
and kept looking at me like he was saying
"You're not gonna make me eat anymore of that stuff are ya?"

Maybe when he gets some teeth I can feed him Cherrios at least.

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