Monday, November 10

Just Eloped! (In my '57 Chevy!)

You guys know how much Jerry enjoys his "vintage" cars... and so do I actually! What I love most about his passion is that he actually shares it with others...  he takes his '57 Chevy to many car shows and events (and does NOT have one of those "do not touch" signs on it)....... it's been used by high school kids to take their dates to the Prom.... it's been used by others (me) to take my girlfriends on a spin around town (total 8 passengers!).... complete with poodle skirts.... (that was years ago actually)...  it's been used to go to the drive-in movies (hey we gotta do that one again!).... but most recently he was asked to be used in a photo-shoot for a friend's new wedding coordinating company she is starting up.... what a hoot that was!

He agreed of course... and we just got a few of the pictures back.

They were taken at the Torrey Pines Gliderport near La Jolla Shores.
Doesn't it just make ya smile??

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