Friday, June 20

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

I had an adorable conversation with Brayden earlier this week....  as most conversations are... but it's the ones that surprise us with that unexpectedly sweet moment that becomes a heart treasure!

It was close to bedtime. Teeth were brushed. Jammies were on. The smell of shampoo lingered from his freshly bathed head. We were snuggling on the couch, watching snippets of Despicable Me as we do often, listening to Gru read a book  to Margo, Edith and Agnes before tucking them into bed, when the sweet conversation began with an innocent question…

“ Know what I love?”
“What do you love?” I asked....

“I love being loved,” he said thoughtfully. Thus melts my heart!

It was a simple statement, completely candid and honest, yet one of the most profound and insightful things I’d ever heard come from his lips – actually from his heart.

It definitely bump-started my heart, and gave me food for thought during my time with God. When Brayden spoke those four little words, “I love being loved” I could hear several things:
  • He had a deep longing to be loved.
  • He knew he was loved.
  • His love tank was being re-filled.
  • His greatest need is love.
I got to thinking, that's true for all of us... our greatest longing and need is also to be loved… to feel safe, adored, and content in love. I honestly think it was God nudging me to remind me that He loves me. Completely. Perfectly. Eternally. He knows my name, He knows my heart, He knows my circumstances, and He hears my prayers that are on my heart constantly for Brayden and our entire family.

God’s love is not based on performance or personality. It’s not based position or abilities. Many times I think that if I could just do this or that better – that God would love me more. That if I just hadn’t done this or that – God could love me more. The truth is this: God will never love me more or less…no matter what. Pretty much the way I love Brayden!

So thought I'd share that and remind you too.....
You. Are. Perfectly. Loved.
Be assured of it.
Share it.
Be changed by it.
Change others with it.


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