Tuesday, December 2

Christmas Countdown! #2 Advent Gift that Keeps on Giving!

Here's another idea for an Advent Calendar... this one created by Narette Fasulo is also a little different than your normal one filled with sweets and small treats. Similar to the ideas I gave you yesterday, this one you make little pouches, each with a tag inside containing "non sweet treats". You can write anything you like on the tags, or you could add Gift Cards or Vouchers into the pouches. Now because there are little pegs to hold the pouches onto the bakers twine, you will need to make sure you don’t put anything heavy in them. 
Advent Calendar
You could write something on each day that corresponds to the day number. The idea is that the child takes out the tag each day and on it is written things they can experience and claim throughout the year. For example, the tag may have on it “10 trips to the Movies”. They keep the tag and throughout the following year they can claim these 10 Movies. They simply keep count on the back of the tag how many times they have claimed it already.
Advent tags
I love this idea as it is a gift that keeps giving throughout the year and it isn’t all about buying gifts. A lot of the tags are about experiences and spending time with the child. And let’s face it, it also eliminates a lot of sweets that children really don’t need at this time of the year with all the extra treats around already.
Advent bags
Advent tags 1_2
Advent tags 10_11
Advent tags 19_20
Here are some ideas of some “non-sweet” gifts.
Of course you'll want to taylor these to your 
family's favorite things... no matter the age!

                                          1 trip to the Zoo
                                          2 friends sleep over
                                          3 favorite restaurant visits
                                          4 trips to the drive-in
                                          5 dates with Mom
                                          6 dates with Dad
                                          7 pizza cooking nights
                                          8 trips to the beach
                                          9  ice cream sundaes
                                        10 baking sessions with Mom
                                        11 family bike rides
                                        12 trips to the Movies
                                        13 shopping days with Mom
                                        14 popcorn and movie nights
                                        15 sightseeing drives
                                        16  go out for Frozen Yogurt
                                        17 stories read by Mom
                                        18 stories read by Dad
                                        19 games of UNO
                                        20  bowling games
                                        21 craft sessions with Mom
                                        22 trips to the Library
                                        23 family board game nights
                                        24  picnics in the park


End with a special gift for Day 25 on Christmas Morning!
Advent Calendar box
It really is the gift that keeps on giving all year long!

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