Friday, October 8

Follow the Yellow Brick Road

I hope you enjoyed the adventure earlie this week along the Yellow Brick Road... Dorothy and Toto made it safely home back to Kansas and Auntie Em...  filled with courage, love and determination! It's an inspiring story for young and old alike...

And thanks to Jerry I have my own Yellow Brick Road... or should I say Red Brick Path to always lead me back to the Reed Ranch. You know he's my hero... talk about inspiring and determined... his life has been an example to me of love in action.

Over the summer he's been working hard... often in 100+ degree weather, to update our front walkway and improve our curb appeal... ok so we don't have a curb on the Reed Ranch... but you know what I mean!

Here's a few shots of our Red Brick Pathway ...
and a few new "animals" you'll encounter along the way....

Meet our new 'yicken".... ok he's really a rooster.. I think.. but isn't he too cute!
Problem is Jerry keeps going out and checking for eggs... humm.....

Come sit a spell and enjoy the view...

And here's my version of the hoot owl.... the Rubba Sistas helped me pick this guy out when we were in Julian...  it's actually a "sea saw" and has another owl on the other end... then they both sway in the wind and spin around.... so fun to sit and watch!

 So for those of you dropping by to pick up any Stamp orders...
you'll find them now on the bench guarded by a 'yicken and  a couple of teetering owls.

Thanks honey for always leading me home...
no need for me to go somewhere over the rainbow.
I've already got my pot of gold right here.

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