Wednesday, April 6

Proportional Matting

Are you like me and you're constantly "talking to yourself" when your figuring measurements to layer your cards? Reminds me of one night eons ago when my BFF Pam had Kendra and I over for a stamping sleepover.... it was approaching 1:00 am and I was intent on making a particular card and just kept saying out loud.... two and three fourths by three and one quarter, two and three fourths by three and one quarter, two and three fourths by three and one quarter.... so I would remember what I had to cut next. Not sure why I couldn't just jot it down on a paper... silly me.... but we were getting kooky ...oh and that was right after the brilliant statement I made about "I never throw anything away"... and proceeded to pick a scrap up and mumbled.. "this is trash" and tossed it aside... guess ye had to be there.

Anywho.... I came across this chart on Proportional Matting that I find useful and think you might too. You're basically just dropping everyone down by a quarter inch but it sure is easier just to glance at the chart! Might be worth printing this one and taping it your cutting board.

Wow.. that brought back some memories!!
So Pam... when's our next sleepover???

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