Monday, November 15

Tickle Toe Party!

We got to spend some time up at the Jr Reed Ranch yesterday afternoon... what a delight as always and it just makes our weekend so complete!

Of course I never leave home without my handy dandy camera...  so glad too because I was able to capture our "toe tickling party"...  I just can't resist kissin' and squeezin' those little piggies!

First, just waking up from his nap....

He gets me ever time with those big beautiful eyes...

I wish I could touch my toes that easily...

Just love to tickle his toes

He gets so excited ... wish you could "hear him laugh"... it's too precious!

Who needs Tickle Me Elmo when you've got Grandma Gail to do that...

Bet'cha can't do this with your toes....

We turned his B.Y.O.B(ottle). party into a B.Y.O. T(oes). Party...

Cheers to Brayden!

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